About Us

We use our cutting-edge research to solve
transportation modeling challenges.

Lukas Ambühl

Lukas holds a Master’s degree in Management, Technology, and Economics and a Doctor of Science in Traffic Engineering from ETH Zurich.

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Group 142

His expertise is in large empirical traffic datasets (utd19.ethz.ch) as well as macroscopic modeling of cities. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Lyon, NYU Abu Dhabi as well as UC Berkeley.

Lukas received a Pioneer Fellowship from ETH Zurich. Therefore, our project Transcality is sponsored by ETH Zurich to translate our research into entrepreneurial practice.

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Group 146

Gabriel Tilg

Gabriel holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from ETH Zurich and a
doctorate in engineering from TU Munich.

Group 146

His research focuses on analytical models
which allow for blazing fast simulation
calibration. He was a visiting scholar at
NYU Abu Dhabi. Gabriel will join
Transcality full-time in the near future.

Sasan Amini

Sasan holds a Master’s degree in Transport Systems from TU Munich and is currently a doctoral student at TU Munich.

Group 149

His research focuses on incident detection control algorithms. He was a visiting scholar at the University Gutave Eiffel in Paris, DTU Copenhagen, and EPFL.

Group 149

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